JUL-921 | The Married Woman Who Works As A N*****y School Teacher, Second Installment!! The First Sensual Drama!!! My Mom's Friend. Yuki Shinomiya

JUL-921 | The Married Woman Who Works As A N*****y School Teacher, Second Installment!! The First Sensual Drama!!! My Mom's Friend. Yuki Shinomiya
Label: Madonna
Director: Jyoji Kawai

My mother's friend, Yuki, has decided to work temporarily at a nursery school run by her mother. Her son Yuya, who has been secretly thinking about her since she worked in the past, cannot hide his joy ... Soaring up with her longing woman, she reveals her feelings for her with her drunken momentum. Betrayed by her husband, Yuki is moved by his straight confession, entwining her tongue violently and accepting a raging cock. Since then, they have been secretly intertwined with each other ...


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